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GNN Examples

An introduction to GNNs and implementing/training them in the CyberGISX environment using the DGL library ...

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How would social distancing change the COVID-19 curve of community spread?

The rapid development of the coronavirus (COVID-19) has prompted unprecedented global health adversities Curbing the virus diffusion and ...

COVID-19 and People with Disabilities

The first phase of my project focuses on the relationship between COVID-19 prevalence and people with disabilities (PwDs) at the county level in the ...

Mapping Human Mobility OD Flow Changes in the US during the COVID19 pandemic

Understanding dynamic human mobility changes and spatial interaction patterns at different geographic scales is crucial for monitoring and measuring ...

COVID-19 Incidence and Mortality maps

For my GSF project, I will be conducting a county-level assessment of COVID-19 in relation to age demographics and comorbidities  I am currently in ...